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Project 5 Audio Production

For this unit, we will be exploring various audio techniques within video games, creating short musical beats to support productions from Units 5 & 7, as well as capturing our own Foley sounds and applying them to productions. We will look at a few tools to manipulate and clean up raw sounds for a clearer sounding output.

This Page is for Project 5 (Unit 7) Sound Production

Foley Sound and Field Research

In this session, we reviewed various applications of Foley from video game and movie contexts. This included some behind the scenes that gave insight into the audio process. We also reviewed the differences between diegetic and non-diegetic sounds.

Continuing from this session, we were asked to create our own Foley sound effects to take place over a chosen short section of the Disney Animated Short Film 'Paperman', created in 2012. The film contains a large office interior scene which makes it a little more forgiving.

This is my final edit for this task. All the sound effects I recorded and the music is royalty free from online. I took the original full animation, cut this exact clip and removed all the audio to start from scratch and create this.

Overall I think field recording is useful but only in specific cases.. in cases that can be recorded in a studio I think that is better as it eliminates more unwanted audio.. However, where it shines is in recording things such as gunfire or cars that cannot be easily recorded in a studio or sounds such as wind that are better to record outside.

I used After Effects to do this, cutting down audio to fit the needs and placing it in time with the video as well as reducing the volume of the music and adjusting the volume of the recorded field sounds to my needs.

Overall I like how the final product came out as the sounds were appropriate for the environment and taught me techniques of matching audio to video at the same time.

00:00 / 00:01
Keyboard Clacking
00:00 / 00:12
00:00 / 00:02
00:00 / 00:02
Placing Paper
00:00 / 00:02
Folding 1
00:00 / 00:03
00:00 / 00:03
Pulling Paper
00:00 / 00:02
Folding 2
00:00 / 00:19
Background Music Loop
00:00 / 00:59

Audio Research

In this session, we were analysing sounds from both a presented case study of a game in class and breaking down the audio from a game of our choice.

Audio for My Unreal Engine Group Production

For this project, I took the main lead of making audio in this project and had most of it created early on Bandlab. I used Bandlab rather than Foley sound in the game primarily because the game was in a Sci-Fi setting that was much easier to make sound for digitally than with the sounds I could create in real life.

Creating Music in Bandlab

Tense ThemeJake Leathem
00:00 / 02:32

This is a music track I made in Bandlab for one of the more tense sections of the game where you run from the creature after a cutscene. This track doesn't tend to vary much in the middle as it is meant to be almost a complete looping track for the player to run away to.

Calm ThemeJake Leathem
00:00 / 02:37

This is a music track I made in Bandlab for the more casual sections of the game where the player doesn't really have any timer and is in safety, able to explore and complete puzzles without any immediate threat. This track is more of a background track to negate silence than the main focus here as these sections contain exploration and puzzles and the player should be able to relax and take their time with this slow, fairly quiet and almost looping song.

Stealth ThemeJake Leathem
00:00 / 02:40

This track was made for the sections where the creature isn't inherently chasing or attacking you, but its close and could attack if you aren't careful. It plays in the background of the stealth sections of the game. This tracks main purpose is to keep tension high even when you don't know where the creature is or you aren't in any immediate danger, keeping the player on edge and to make sure the player knows there is a lose condition in this section of the game.

Creating SFX in Bandlab

SFX - Door Open
00:00 / 00:01
SFX - Door Close
00:00 / 00:01
SFX - Error
00:00 / 00:00
SFX - Creature
00:00 / 00:03
SFX - Heartbeat
00:00 / 00:05
SFX - Objective Complete
00:00 / 00:00
SFX - Keycard Swipe
00:00 / 00:00
SFX - Footstep 1
00:00 / 00:00
SFX - Footstep 2
00:00 / 00:00
SFX - Footstep 3
00:00 / 00:00
SFX - Footstep 4
00:00 / 00:00
SFX - Footstep 5
00:00 / 00:00
SFX - Footstep 6
00:00 / 00:00
SFX - Footstep 7
00:00 / 00:00
SFX - Footstep 8
00:00 / 00:00
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